Qui autem requirunt quid quaque de re ipsi sentiamus, curiosius id faciunt quam necesse est; non enim tam auctoritatis in disputando quam rationis momenta quaerenda sunt. quin etiam obest plerumque iis qui discere uolunt auctoritas eorum qui se docere profitentur; desinunt enim suum iudicium adhibere, id habent ratum quod ab eo quem probant iudicatum uident. nec uero probare soleo id quod de Pythagoreis accepimus, quos ferunt, si quid affirmarent in disputando, cum ex iis quaereretur quare ita esset, respondere solitos "ipse dixit"; ipse autem erat Pythagoras: tantum opinio praeiudicata poterat, ut etiam sine ratione ualeret auctoritas.
그렇지만 바로 그 각각의 것에 대해 우리들 자신이 무엇을 느끼고 있는지 알아 보려는 사람들,
requirunt : requiro. to try to find, look for, seek
quaque : wheresoever, whithersoever
sentiamus : sentio. to perceive by any one of the senses
curiosius : curiose compar. with care, carefully, attentively. elaborately, curiously. with curiosity, inquisitively
auctoritatis : auctoritas. right of ownership, title. authorization, sanction, approval. an informal decree of senate. guidance. right or power to authorize or sanction. leadership as a quality. authority of utterance. a view or opinion that merits consideration. a precedent. reputation for leadership. personal influence or ascendancy. esteem.
disputando : disputo fut. pass. part. to argue one's case or point of view. to argue.
momenta : momentum. movement. the exertion of power. particle. change of situation. influence.
quaerenda : quaero. fut. pass. part. to try to find. search for. seek. to look for.
obest : obsum. to be hindrance. be prejudical to the interests of, do harm. (w. dat.) to prejudical to the reputation of, provide grounds for a charge against, tell against.
plerum : adv. next.
profitentur : profiteor. to state openly. to make a return of (property etc.) to the proper authority. promise. lay claim to. to make one's profession
desinunt : desino. to leave off. cease (doing something). to come to an end.
adhibere : adhibeo. to hold or stretch out towards. to apply. to apply to. to bring in. to invite. consult.
ratum : ratus. a. having legal validity. regarded as valid. determined, fixed.
probant : probo. to regard as good or right. to approve of. to give official approval to after examination. to give assent to. to examine. to cause to be favourably regarded. to show to be real or true.
accepimus : accipio. pf. to take in one's grasp, possession. acquire. to take over from another. inherit. to receive. to sustain. to have put in or on. let in. to give access to. admit. greet. deal with, handle. accept. hear. to apprehend. to interpret. to take as meaning. understand.
affirmarent : affirmo. subj. impf. to add strength or support to. to confirm. to assert positively or dogmatically.
quaereretur : quaero. subj. pass. impf.
quare : adv. because of which thing, therefore, wherefore, why.
respondere : respondeo. answer.
praeiudicata : praeiudico. pass. part. f. to pass anticipatory or preliminary legal judgement on. prejudge. to form an pinion about (a matter) in advance. to be prejudicial.